
Whilst most blogs are talking about goals/plans/resolutions for 2011, I thought it would be much more to the point to see what progress I am doing on my list of 25 things to do before turning 26.

a nice filler photo
after the rain

The list …

  1. Be finished with orthodontic work.
  2. Going very well, should be no more than a few months to go.

  3. Challenge myself to take more thoughtful photos.
  4. I’m more happy now with my photos than I’ve been a while but I still don’t think I’m taking my strongest photos

  5. Ride my bike more.
  6. Bike goes in for a service on Friday

  7. Get a will.
  8. not yet

  9. Get better with my practice of one thing in means one thing out for my belongings.
  10. Did a big clean out of my wardrobe on the weekend, so getting there

  11. Spend more time creating.
  12. Doing pretty well on this front

  13. Print and frame more photos.
  14. I’ve printed more but they are not framed

  15. Bake a rainbow cake.
  16. not yet

  17. Do more study.
  18. Well I’m still at uni and I got a 6/Distinction/83% for the last semester πŸ™‚

  19. Go to the Drive In – hopefully the Wonga one if it re-opens in the next few months.
  20. not yet

  21. Go media-free for at least 48hrs.
  22. mmmm

  23. Make marshmallows and honeycomb.
  24. I’ve made other things ….

  25. Be more regular on my blog (gee, that sounds like an All-Bran ad).
  26. I’m doing better than I have been

  27. Grow my investments.
  28. Making sound progress on this front

  29. Reduce the stack of clothes in my mending/alterations stack.
  30. Just about all gone

  31. Make my own tea blend.
  32. I’ve got ideas in my head

  33. Make strawberry jam.
  34. done πŸ™‚

  35. Get fresh flowers more often.
  36. I like fresh flowers but I just wish they would last a whole lot longer

  37. Write and comment more.
  38. Not doing as much as I would like

  39. Grow professionally.
  40. It’s in the works

  41. Get my routines started again – planning meals for the week and exercise.
  42. making progress

  43. Read some more classics.
  44. yeah

  45. Finish my granny square blanket.
  46. Just need to block it and it will be completed

  47. Make mulberry crumble or pie from the mulberries in the freezer.
  48. The mulberries are still in the freezer

  49. Turn 26
  50. Well I’m getting closer every day …

… and that is where we are on Jan 5 at 21:48

3 Replies to “progress”

  1. I turn 26 in a couple of weeks so I was going through my list recently thinking I had accomplished next to nothing on it. I was impressed when I actually started writing that I’ve actually got a lot done off of it!

  2. Don’t be down on yourself if you don’t achieve everything, Helen! Lots of plusses there. I’m turning 40 this year…yikes! I would quite like to have achieved some of your list. But I did make coconut ice, tomato relish and apricot conserve, so I mustn’t be too hard on myself. I hope the floods pass you by…
    Vix in NSW

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