Target 140 refined

Well it is now a bit over three months since the Water Commission formally introduced Target 140. When I did the last post on our water usage the Brisbane average was 137L per person per day. That has now dropped to 133L. Our water usage in that period has dropped from 77L per person per day to 54L. In the next period I/we are going to try to reduce that to 35L as that would mean that we would be doing Target 140 for the whole house instead of per person.

For the entire 3mths that this advice note reports on, our washing machine has been fed off the rainwater tank 100%. It is dead easy to reduce your water use and we don’t have aerators on our taps, we don’t have a water efficient shower head and our toilet rigged to use less water by the shampoo bottles full of water inside it. If we did have these we would quite possibly reduce our use even more. It is just a matter of taking a millisecond when you turn on a tap or step into the shower to reduce what you use.

Water Advice

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