ikea finds

My camera is not liking me at the moment, or vice versa, I have not taken a “real photograph” in so many days now, we need to reconnect and go out exploring.

I was on a quest in my uni break yesterday to find some chatterbox paper, so I went to the store which is just near uni to find well maybe 10 different patterns, I then rang a store another 15mins down the road to see what they had, they told me they had the entire range, I asked if they had the rec room, “yes we do and we are also having 20% off at the moment” so I drive over, walk in and start browsing, mmm ok found the Chatterbox, so not the whole range and none of the papers I was after, so not happy jan at that point, walk round the corner and lo and behold Barb and Adele are there as well, brief chat, kept on shopping, they left, I left.

Picked up some new papers, stickers and tags, forgot to get the Heidi Grace Congii paper that I wanted to get.

new stuff

And well since I was going to drive back past Ikea, I may as well stop and have a look right?

Bits Magnetic Board – The other year I recieved the magnetic poetry calender for christmas, however the board that came with it was not very strong and the magents always fell off, so when I saw this in Ikea, I had to get it πŸ™‚ Today I screwed it too the wall and put the poetry out to play πŸ™‚

Fniss Bin – I got this in hot pink on a previous trip but yesterday I got it in translucent white so I can have two bins in my room – one for rubbish and one for recycling πŸ™‚ Think Green.

I also picked up two tea light lanterns and a big burken glass jar, that I am using to store my adhesvies and dyes in.

new desk arrangement

On either side of the burken jar, I have two Pamp vases with my ribbons in. So that is a peak at what I picked up.

Dear Mr Parcel Man

You know where I live, you even know my name, you know what time I am normally at home.

So please tell me why are holding my parcels hostage? Have you taken up scrapbooking?

Please have them on my bed when I get home from work tonight or I can accept tomorrow.

You are always so good at getting my parcels to me, never more than 8 days from the USA, normally it is 5-6. Where are they this time?

Every time I walk past the front door, I pause to see if you have pulled up, I hear a car in the street and I look to see if it is you.

Please Mr Parcel Man, I need you to deliver my parcels as soon as you can.


Be Safe, Play Hard

We had a blast last night if you disregard the masses of middle-aged teens who insist on wearing thongs and handbags in a mosh pit or thinking it is a really good idea to surge the pit. Although in the end we were laughing about it because they were just a sight to see.

, well every song sounded like the previous one, I had really expected more after listening to stuff on their website.

were pretty cool, loved rocking out to My Paper Heart, One More Sad Song etc. Though the lead singer was a bit weird he kept on going on about how hot all the chicks were in the audience. And in the words of Sam, “Most of them are under 16 and in Australia that is called paedophilia”. Yep I am telling you, we saw kids who couldn’t have been more than nine there.

And well what could we expect from ? After a great show in March? Well they only got better, since this was their first tour with them as headliners it was much better, they had control, they did what they liked, they rocked:) A couple of things really stood out, when Chuck the drummer was let to run wild in the crowd and then had the stage to himself for a while. The two songs they covered – Happy Together by The Turtles and I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness – rocked the house, have to say the Darkness cover was really good. Now I am sure that all bands say how much they love a particular city each time they do a show there, well this time they took it one step further and did a freestyle rap ode to Brisbane, taking off H to the IZZO by Jay-Z but it was B to the the Brissay. Sam and I stood there cracking our sides in laughter.

Mobile phones are *so* the lighter of the 21st century πŸ™‚ Ok, so I stole the idea from The OC, kudos to anyone who can tell me which episode but it was so fun seeing the sea of mobile phone lights for the slow songs.

I took some videos of the concert as well as the photos that are here but need to figure out how to edit and compress the files down.

The Beat


Yesterday I joined the masses and visited DFO, where I picked up two gorgesous things. The first a top for $69, marked down from $199 as well as a new quilt cover set. I have this thing for bed linen πŸ™‚

After dropping Matthew over a freind’s house for pre-going out drinks, I headed home to get ready for my night out. So all dolled up in my new top, heels and black pants I headed off to meet up with my friends. My best guy friend is gay with a capital G, some of his friends say he is too gay and well when you go out with him, you are always going to spend your time at The Beat, so after meeting up with some other friends we headed off to The Beat to dance and laugh the night away. Spending our time going between the Cockatoo Club to dance and the Crystal Lounge to sit and chat. Close to midnight Sam and I made the trek back into the city to get the last buses home because taxi fairs are just way too pricey.

Speaking of Sam, in a couple of minutes she will arrive and we are heading off to see a dream come true – are playing tonight at The Entertainment Center, also featuring and

This post was brought to by the letter E for Emily Kate, who thinks I am cool enough to be her blog of the day and in her honour I have added ohh 180 new header images from the Iceland trip. Which header will display when you visit me?