a family day.

This morning, Pabbi, Mum and I made a trip down to the beach at Sandgate to watch the sunrise and enjoy a photography filled time. Mum and Pabbi were sharing the Fuji and I had my 350D (which needs a name, any ideas?) along with the tripod and a bunch of lenses, even though I only ended up using one lens. mmm. A fair few of the images I took have become header images for here, which you will notice change with each page load thanks to some cool php I picked up. I will post more photos as I go through them. And of course I had to take self-portraits of me in my new funky jumper.


Then, this afternoon Mum, myself and Mary (a close friend of my late grandmother, who now fills in that role) went to see a private screening of  The Wedding Date, ok so it wasn’t a private screening, we just shared the with five other people. What a crack up of a movie, though it did have plenty of sad bits, Poor Kat, but in the end it all came together and how gorgeous was Debra Messing’s hair in the movie?

Cricket tomorrow, hope the Giant Killers win this game, as it will be the last I see till after I return from Iceland.

Some things I love right now

Finding ink for my printer in the clearance section at Officeworks – Saved $6 just because someone bought the wrong one!

Mum buying me a very funky red polartec jumper for Iceland/rest of my life. It rocks!

The Aussie thread peas for deciding to run an inspired by me challenge, I feel so honoured! Can’t wait to see what they do!

My BrisPea friends for rocking out and always making me laugh! Barb, Beth, Hayley and Leanne and of course their children and husbands for cracking me up as well.

Having ink in my printer, I can print photos!! Have put off buying a new cartridge for a while so my printer has been in hibernation.

Working on my quilt for my eldest sister’s step-son. 14 days to get it done!

This cool link from AmyGBaby Name timeline (my name is dying a slow, slow death)

My little brother Matthew (who is taller and possibly has more hair then I do.. well not quite) for just been so cute with how he views the world.

New books from the library.

Giving Sean the canvas I drew and the message I got this morning saying how much it rocks.

The new albums from Black Eyed Peas, Coldplay and Michael Buble. Ultra cool music!

11 days till the new Dropkick Murphys album comes out!

13 days till my exams finish!

15 days till we leave for Iceland!

crazy in pastels

well I didn’t scrapbook today instead I drew. Inspired by Elizabeth Ruuska and Allison Strine and countless others, I made this 10" by 10" canvas for Sean, I had planned on giving it to him as a going away present in a couple of weeks when we leave for Iceland, but will probably give it to him tomorrow instead. I had not drawn, drawn in ages and it felt good. I blocked the image onto the canvas using a photograph as a guide. I then realised I had no white paint so a trip to the shops where in order and library on the way. Well I was in the art store and saw the pastels section, and all ideas I had of using paints were out the door. I picked up a 48 pack of oil pastels that were on sale – for $2 more than the 24 pack! easy choice there. Got home and started on it.  Oh I have had a ball! I am not entirely happy with how I drew Sean, especially his eye and the shadows on his face but for my first attempt I am mighty proud, Mum thought it was cool too πŸ™‚

If you can’t tell which photo this is inspired by lol you can look here – Curious Thought.


new layouts

The last couple of days I have been unleashing my spirit. Trying new things and re-discovering old ideas. This quote comes to mind.

What we love to do we find time to do.Β 

John L. Spalding

Which is so true, sometime I dislike scrapbooking, times when I have other things to do, or am not feeling anything for my photos, it is then I just step back and let the bubble start to grow for my next session.

Yesterday I did four layouts, the day before I did two or three, the day before that I did two or three as well. Here are some of them, some are on 2peas, some aren’t. These layouts are me re-discovering, re-energising.

pink chucks and a whole lot more

what a weekend!

Spent the time wearing in my new shoes – Pink Chuck Taylor High Tops. Sigh love my Cons, but after talking to Mum about the pain I get from wearing shoes a visit to the doc will be in order to see about orthotics, I can’t remember the last pair of lace-ups that actually were comfy but I do so love my Cons – They are pink!

Went out with Leanne and Barb to Freestyle on Friday night, Beth was busy πŸ™ we had a great time, chatting, laughing, eating yummy stuff.

Did some Scrapbooking, felt so great to be able to sit down and play – need to get photos printed so I can have some recent stuff to play with.

Had a blast drinking Skyy Platinum’s and taking over Mouse’s hand in Poker (we were playing Texas Hold em, had not played that style before and really enjoyed it). Teasing, Bluffing, Laughing.

Sean had three netball games on Saturday night, the team came second in all of them but hey. For the last couple of games Sean has been playing Goal Keeper instead of Shooter, so no photos of him attacking but rather him defending, love this one of him jumping to block. I would need springs in my shoes to jump like he does.

Had another Random Breath Test on the way home from netball. Makes it two in 29 days!

Went to the movies and saw The Longest Yard, was the biggest crack up and what is an Adam Sandler movie without Rob Schneider, when he came on the screen, the movie theatre all cheered πŸ™‚

 Now home, getting ready to work tomorrow morning. Hope you all had a good weekend.


becoming creative

Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better.

Ò€” John Updike

This was the Real Simple thought of the day today and just thought it was so fitting with scrapbooking.