coming soon


I just paid for the domain and hosting for 1yr at US$5 a month which is much better than US$4.95 for basic typepad service. Helen has control!

I am hosting with icdsoft which is the same company that my brother uses. Hope to have the site up with in a couple of days depends on how easy I find WordPress to use.

18 at Montazuma’s

MontazumaLike my 18th dinner before him, Matthew chose to have his dinner at Montezuma’s. This time however Grandmum was not with us but Daisie and Sean were.
Lots of laughs, lots of silly poses for the camera, all spaced out in an interesting corner booth. Mum complained about the towel for a table cloth again.
Who had what?
All had Nachos to start
Pabbi & Grandad – Albondigas. Mum – Carne enchilada. Daisie – Chicken and sour cream enchilada. Matthew and Sean – Beef enchilada & beef burrito. Helen – Chicken and sour cream enchilada & cheese enchilada. We all went home very full and very happy. Still have to get him an 18th presant though. mmmm

As we were leaving Sean and I started talking about REM and the fact that they are playing in Brisbane next Tuesday (Mar 29th) and there is still tickets left. We had decided to go to Jack Johnson this Thursday night and well now I can say is “Shiny, Happy People” next Tuesday. Love ya Sean 🙂

getting to know me

When I was in high school, these sorts of emails often appeared in my hotmail, you know those ones with lots of questions that more than often not you never completed them?
Well when I got this one, I decided to do it and complete it.

1.  What time did you get up this morning?
4:30am, well I did start work at 5am
2. Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls, not a big fan of the Diamond (reasons why)
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Million Dollar Baby, I was sobbing.
4. What is your favourite TV show?
The OC, probably the only TV that I make an effort to watch each week.
5. What did you have for breakfast?
Corn Flakes
6. What is your middle name?
7. What is your favourite cuisine?
Mexican, mmm
8. What foods do you dislike?
mmm anything that is really salty.
9. What kind of car do you drive?
Subaru Forester 2004 2.5X and Toyota Tarago 1991 (both Silver)
10. Favourite sandwich?
Turkey/Ham with Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, Carrot on Wattleseed bread
11. What characteristic do you despise?
People who always try to move guilt on to you or anyone who lies/is rude.
12. Favourite item of clothing?
well I love my funky PJ shorts but my funky brown top is my fav for sure.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
gosh, I want to go everywhere but for this let me say Morocco
14. What colour is your bathroom?
Yellow and fuchsia, soon to be white and fuchsia
15. Favourite brand(s) of clothing?
Urbane/Just Jeans
16. Where would you retire to?
Somewhere where I have lots of space.
17. Favourite time of the day?
The afternoon, the sun is descending in the sky, the lorikeets are screeching.
18. What was your most memorable birthday?
My 19th was a good one, had heaps of fun but most memorable would be my sweet 16th – the day of 911, mentioning of my birth date always causes comments.
19. Where were you born?
20. Favourite sport to watch?
mmm I quite like to watch AFL or Union but hockey(field) is always going to have a spot in my heart.
21. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
not really relevant is it 🙂
mmm what happened to 22?
23. What fabric detergent do you use?
24. Pepsi or Coke?
neither, much prefer something like water or Club Lemon
25. Are you a morning person or night owl?
mmm both? I like to stay up late but I also like to wake up early. mmm
26 . What is your shoe size?
27. Do you have any pets?
nope, I do have a little brother though 😉
28. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with your family and friends?
Matthew was 18 yesterday but we all know that of course.
29. What did you want to be when you were little?
It changed every day, the common one was to be Prime Minister
30. What are you meant to be doing today?
Uni readings and scrapbooking work for the magazine
31. Favourite Flammable substance?
32. What is your favourite CD right now?
REM – In Time


Today, is the afternoon at the races.
Today, is The Royal Children’s Hospital and Woolworths Raceday at Doomben.Emmamagnumbox
Today, is the celebration of Emma’s 22nd, hence the trip to Doomben.
Today, I present to Emma a magnum of Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Pinot Noir Brut Cuvée. (in the box to the right that I made).
Today, I go to the races for the first time in my life.
Toady, Sean has two or three superleague Netball games at Beenleigh.
Today, I get to dress up during the day instead of at night.
Today, I have a clean room (mostly).
Today, I banked my latest magazine cheque.
Today, is the day before my little brother turns 18.
Today, I am having toast & tea for breakfast instead of Muesli.
Today, I am listening to my "not heard in a while" smart playlist in iTunes.
Today, I am thinking more about my plan to get the Canon 350D before Iceland in June.
Today, is Saturday, 19 March 2005.

cool quote site

ThinkExist Quotes
I found this cool quote site the other day, all the sites I had visited before, allowed you to browse by author or topic but never by key words. That is right, key words. It rocks so much. Instead of having to Google thousands of sites, I just pop onto ThinkExist pick my key word and away I go.

I can see myself using a lot more quotes in my creating now, that I have this site in my toolbox.

So, today I share with you this quote that I picked up from the raw category.

“I remain unchanged, defiantly unchanged. Let the raw material stay rough and raw.”

John W. Warner

Tomorrow I am off to the Brisbane Paper Arts show with some friends. 🙂

roughly half

I was speaking with my degree convener today, who is also my lecturer/tutor for my favourite subject this semester and he said roughly half of the 35 students who start off in first year graduate. Well that narrows down the people competing for jobs.

A sales assistant in Myers today told me that my degree sounds exactly like what Australia needs more of. Yay!