the absence of metal in my mouth makes me happy

Oh hello teeth, it’s so nice to see you again

No Metal on these teeth anymore

Thursday morning whilst those in NQ were starting to assess the damage of TC Yasi, I was reclined in a chair at the UQ Dental School getting my braces removed and the result is what you see above. I do of course have a retainer to wear full time for the next three months or so and then at night after that for a long time but it’s removable, which makes it all good.

These are my teeth 23OCT2008, the day that I got my braces put for this round. You can see the false tooth I used to wear, it matched my teeth so well …

I also came away with a souvenir of sorts, a plaster set of my teeth. They took a number of impressions and I got this set as the 11 is chipped.

Munch, munch, munch

Now all that remains to having a full smile, is two appointments with the prosthodontist. Yippee. As long as there are no catastrophes of course, I’ll be sporting a full smile on Feb 24. The day before I go to Tasmania for the wedding of my cousin and five days before I go to Japan πŸ˜€

It’s not Happy Feet, it’s Happy Teeth πŸ˜€

and it keeps getting better

I put $20 into the work lotto pool yesterday for the first time in almost a year because I’m feeling a little lucky at the moment.

Rainbow teeth.
Two weeks to go

A little while ago, I made a deal with my then post grad orthodontist that for the very last time I got colours put on, I would get a rainbow. Well two post grad orthos later and I now have rainbow colours. It’s quite a change from the black I’ve chosen for most of my changes in the last few years.

I went to the orthodontist today and left a pretty happy lady. I’m getting de-banded (that means getting the braces off in slightly fancy orthodontist speech) in two weeks. YAY, the end of this metal in the mouth since 1996 saga is almost over.

I’m waiting to hear back in the morning from my prosthodontist as to when the last few appointments will be.

Happy Times πŸ™‚

50 hours post op

Well the surgery went a lot better than I thought in fact the surgery itself only probably took about 15-20 minutes. After all, it was just a matter of cutting a section of the gum, drilling a hole in my jaw, screwing a screw in and stitching the gum back up.

The pain was less than I expected but still pain. Talking wasn’t something I really enjoyed, in fact moving my jaw in general has not been the most enjoyable feeling. I had Thursday and Friday off work and spent most of the time in bed. Today though I’m feeling better than yesterday but still sore.

I could totally post a picture but I think most people are fine not seeing a picture of a swollen/bruised gum with stitches in. Correct? I thought so.

Moving onto other topics.

If you are in SEQ today, ignoring the wind isn’t it the most glorious day? Clear blue skies, the sun is shining, the washing is dry etc etc

Remember the M-Cups from a few years ago? They were the basis of many presents that I gave. Well those people at Fred have now introduced M-Spoons. Oh yeah, I want a set of M-Spoons.

Today is the day

In 20 mins or so I will leave to catch the train into the city to go to my appointment.

I’m a lot calmer now than I was 30 minutes ago (thank you Clipper Earl Grey, one of my best buys in London). The last 12hrs or so have seen me freaking out ever so slightly about today. Mostly about the two Mersyndol Forte tabs I have to take before the appointment – I know what two normal Mersyndol tabs do to me and that is only 19.5mg of codeine phosphate, the two Forte tabs will be dosing me up on 60mg of codeine phosphate. It’s all in the name of the game to reduce the pain during and following the surgery but still. Also about the idea that I’m getting a screw put into my jaw, which is of course not without any risk of something else happening.

Here I am this morning.
smile before

Yesterday, the orthodontist took off my top arch wire along with the brackets on my 11 and 13. It feels so good to be able to run my tongue over my teeth and actually feel teeth instead of metal and to be able to feel my teeth between the brackets. So looking forward to finally hopefully going braces free in a few months!

and an obligatory drug shot.
Today is the day, they ply me with drugs

Well now I’m off to take some drugs and to go visit the wizard…

some great news to share

I went to the prosthodontist yesterday, one x-ray later (gosh knows how many x-rays I’ve had over the years), a feel of my roots, a look at my teeth and


I’m booked in for the first stage of the implant procedure next Thursday πŸ™‚ 8 Sleeps to go. Hoping that all goes well I should have a full smile by Australia Day πŸ™‚ No more gap πŸ™‚ In saying that I’ve had metal in my mouth long enough to know nothing is certain till it’s done.

This photo is from 10mths ago so my teeth have moved have a fair bit but it does show the gap. The gap that after 14 odd years is going to be filled πŸ™‚

progress, 137/365


After a very long last few years I go to see the Prosthodontist tomorrow. The last few days I have been quite anxious as to what the possible outcome of this appointment will be. I want the result of the appointment to be that the orthodontists have done a great job and your mouth is ready for stage one of the implant procedure. That’s what I want to hear. In saying that, I can also see him saying more rearrangement of my teeth is needed. I’m getting to a point in my life where I am so over my teeth. I want to be able to go places, I want to be able to bite into an apple. I want to have a mouth that is totally free of visible metal for the first time in 13 years. My appointment is at 1430 tomorrow and as much as I want the answer now. I guess I will just have to wait….