Juicy, Juicy, Green Grass

Before Hi-5 and before The Wiggles there was Peter Combe and he is back with a toffee apple, playing the songs that he played to Aussie children in the late 80’s/early 90’s again, though now we are young adults. We still know the words, and with a bit of thought we can easily fold our newspaper hats again. He is coming to town on October 21st and I am dragging everyone I know along to it with newspaper hats of course, even my Mum is going to come along. We are still trying to drag Matthew along but unless we drag him there I don’t think we will have much luck. To say I am mildly excited would quite possibly be an understatement πŸ™‚

Mum and I are not too sure if we ever saw him the first time round, though I am sure we probably did at some ABC Kids thing but I won’t be missing it this time πŸ˜€

Cainbable Falls

On Sunday, Mum, myself and 14 other NPAQ members went for a wee stroll in the bush up round O’Rilleys to do the Cainbable track. All in all it was a quite pleasant day walking through a variety of vegetation and as usual the people were pleasant too. The saddest thing though was walking through the rainforest and seeing the level of stress it is in. The ground was littered with King Orchids which have fallen off trees due to lack of water. The ground was also littered with green leaves which the trees are shedding as they try to survive. In general the place just doesn’t look healthy.
There was also a fair amount of smoke on the horizon which made the views rather hazy.

There was some beauty in all of that though.
Gympie Gympie with insect eaten leaves a fern floating together 1234 Orchid Grass Tree It was one smokey day

This is a sign on the Duck Creek Road made me laugh.
Duck Creek Rd

Mum and various NPAQ members
Mum, Kay & Anne 43TR80 lookout

There was quite a few ticks about and Mum ended up with a nice one, I was lucky and managed to escape them.

Birthday Breakfast

We went to Walkabout Creek yesterday morning for a Big Breakfast Buffet to celebrate my Birthday. Pabbi picked Grandad up from The Farm for the occasion and then we headed over to Brisbane Forest Park for some serious Breakfast Buffeting as in I am not having lunch today and won’t eat much for dinner sort of Breakfast. It t’was very good indeed. Lots of very yummy foods. The waffles were huge and very nice with Greek yoghurt and berry compote and there was Danishes and bacon, lots of bacon and very nice breakfast.

I had hoped to get a photo of Matthew as he was told that he had to let me take his photo as it was my Birthday event, somehow it didn’t transpire. I did two very nice photos of Pabbi and Grandad though.


Grandad brought a Hippeastrum stalk down with him for me to put my desk at work this week. He must have known that the Crucifix Orchids that I had picked at The Farm a fortnight ago had reached the end of their life on Friday. I have quite liked looking at the Hippeastrum flowers at work today, so big and red πŸ˜€