the absence of metal in my mouth makes me happy

Oh hello teeth, it’s so nice to see you again

No Metal on these teeth anymore

Thursday morning whilst those in NQ were starting to assess the damage of TC Yasi, I was reclined in a chair at the UQ Dental School getting my braces removed and the result is what you see above. I do of course have a retainer to wear full time for the next three months or so and then at night after that for a long time but it’s removable, which makes it all good.

These are my teeth 23OCT2008, the day that I got my braces put for this round. You can see the false tooth I used to wear, it matched my teeth so well …

I also came away with a souvenir of sorts, a plaster set of my teeth. They took a number of impressions and I got this set as the 11 is chipped.

Munch, munch, munch

Now all that remains to having a full smile, is two appointments with the prosthodontist. Yippee. As long as there are no catastrophes of course, I’ll be sporting a full smile on Feb 24. The day before I go to Tasmania for the wedding of my cousin and five days before I go to Japan πŸ˜€

It’s not Happy Feet, it’s Happy Teeth πŸ˜€

Cyclones and Cakes

I’ve thought about staying up till TC Yasi crosses the coast watching the twitter feeds but at the end of the day there is nothing I can do down here yet and I do have work tomorrow and the braces come off tomorrow as well. The people I know up north are all prepared as they can be so all we can do is sit and wait for the train wreck to happen.

I made the Iced VoVo cake from Raspberri Cupcake last night/this morning for an afternoon tea at work today and it went down quite well. I used the strawberry jam I made before Christmas on the cake as well πŸ™‚

Iced VoVo Cake

and that is all for Wednesday 02FEB11.